10 Signs of Seasonal Allergies in Pets

Spring is the season for allergy flare-ups for many humans, but what about for pets? Dogs can also suffer from seasonal allergies, exhibiting droopy, goopy eyes and itchy, red paws. If you're not sure whether a pooch has an issue like this, check out the following 10 signs of skin or allergy problems:

  • Constant paw licking
  • Rubbing body against objects/floor
  • Excessive scratching or chewing fur
  • Hair loss
  • Change in odor
  • Redness of fur and skin rashes
  • Flaky or greasy coat
  • Drippy eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Increased sneezing and wheezing

While it's true that a variety of illnesses can cause these symptoms, if you see several of them at the same time, now is a good time to take your pet to the vet to get checked for a clean bill of health!