13 Hilarious Truths About Moving in With Someone For the First Time

So, the time has come to take the next step in your relationship. Maybe it started with a dresser drawer at their place, then you had a spare key made, and now you're ready to go all in and make the big move. Moving in with your significant other is an exciting milestone, yes, but it definitely comes with its fair share of awkward or "what the f*ck!" moments. Those quirks you've successfully hidden from each other up to this point? Well, now they're totally out in the open. In the end, moving in together will only bring you that much closer to your partner, but there are certain hilarious scenarios that will inevitably occur when you combine addresses for the first time. Because, let's be real: you don't really know a person until you live with them.

You Discover You Both Have Different Cleaning Habits
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You Discover You Both Have Different Cleaning Habits

Do you wash the dishes right after you eat or wait? Do you wear shoes in the house? Do you clean every Saturday morning while rocking out to '90s pop or only when you're expecting company? These are all things you're going to discover about each other once you move in together. And not only will your cleaning habits vary, but you and your partner might also have very different definitions of the word "clean."

You Learn Your Partner's Weird Quirks . . . and They Learn Yours
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You Learn Your Partner's Weird Quirks . . . and They Learn Yours

When you live separately, it's easy to keep your weirder habits on the DL, but once you share a space, there's no place for your quirks to hide. Honestly, it's refreshing to be that open with the person you love, but letting someone see every side of you can be nerve-racking at first.

You Can't Hide Your Spending Habits From Each Other
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You Can't Hide Your Spending Habits From Each Other

Wait, you spend how much on hair products?

You Try to Keep the Mystery Alive . . . in the Bathroom
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You Try to Keep the Mystery Alive . . . in the Bathroom

You're going to know when they do everything in the bathroom and vice versa. It's awkward at first.

So You Try to Hide What Happens in the Bathroom
New Line Cinema via Giphy

So You Try to Hide What Happens in the Bathroom

You'll quickly get more comfortable with basic bodily functions, but only after you go through air freshener, candles, and scented matches trying to mask what goes on in the bathroom.

You Really Get to Know Each Other’s Sleeping Habits
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You Really Get to Know Each Other’s Sleeping Habits

Do you sleep with a white noise machine or the TV on? Are you a chronic snooze-button presser? Night owl or early riser? Once you cohabitate, you and your partner's true sleeping habits will emerge, and you'll have to figure out together how they will align.

The Merging of the Stuff Is Not as Easy as You Imagined
New Line Cinema via Giphy

The Merging of the Stuff Is Not as Easy as You Imagined

There will probably be a few disagreements over wall art or accent colors at first, but the two of you will eventually find your decorating groove as a couple. But be warned — there's just never enough closet space.

You Have to Train Yourself to Check in If You’re Running Late
NBC via Giphy

You Have to Train Yourself to Check in If You’re Running Late

Yes, it's probably the first time you've had to check in with someone this often since moving out of your parents' house, but you've got to learn to do it.

Your Sex Life Gets a Little More Comfortable
ABC via Giphy

Your Sex Life Gets a Little More Comfortable

Sure, you might have to work a little harder to keep the spontaneity alive, but this is also where true intimacy is born.

You See Each Other’s Grooming Habits, and You Both Think They’re Strange
STX Entertainment via Giphy

You See Each Other’s Grooming Habits, and You Both Think They’re Strange

Hey, there's a lot that goes into maintaining your look. Have no shame.

You Have to Do Boring Adult Things, Like Create a Budget Together
NBC via Giphy

You Have to Do Boring Adult Things, Like Create a Budget Together

Sure, it's all fun, games, and expensive dinners when you first started dating, but now that you live together, you're going to need to sit down and have an honest talk about finances, bills, and adhering to a budget together.

But Also Chores and Tasks Around the House Become So Much More Fun
Hallmark Channel via Giphy

But Also Chores and Tasks Around the House Become So Much More Fun

It's not all boring! Painting a room, cooking dinner, or cleaning out the garage are all so much more enjoyable when done as a pair.

In the End, You Get to Build a Home With Your Best Friend
NBC via Giphy

In the End, You Get to Build a Home With Your Best Friend

And that's pretty great — weird quirks and all.