Holiday Crafts and Activities That the Whole Family Can Get In On

As a mom to a toddler, I would say it's 50/50 who is more excited for the holidays. I love that my son is old enough now to participate in some of the family holiday traditions I grew up doing and I can't wait to make memories all together. That said, with the holidays comes cold and flu season. Knowing that my son is in preschool five days a week, I'm always extra precautious this time of year in helping my family stay safe and healthy so no one has to miss out on any of the fun activities we have planned. See how we play it safe and keep it fun this holiday season!

Gingerbread House Competition

Gingerbread House Competition

A gingerbread house competition is a two-for-one: snacktime and playtime! Invite over your child's friends and have all their favorite candy toppings ready to go when your little ones get home from school. Let them get creative with windows, doors, and architectural details — it's all a part of the fun! Just be sure to keep Clorox wipes and sprays on hand to help with clean-up after the competition on non-food-contact surfaces. Their products kill 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria on hard, non-porous surfaces when used as directed, so we can focus more on fun and worry less about spreading preschool germs around.

DIY Gifts

DIY Gifts

Not only is this a fun activity to do on a rainy day indoors, but these little beaded bracelets are a major fashion accessory right now and every mom, aunt, and cousin will love this thoughtful and stylish gift.

Playing Sous-Chef

Playing Sous-Chef

My son loves nothing more than feeling needed, especially when it comes to my holiday tasks. I always allow him to help me in the kitchen with any simple, safe jobs. He usually stands inside his little kitchen tower and helps me dump in ingredients and mix. It's a nice way to let them participate in a special holiday meal.

Creating Window Art

Creating Window Art

Sometimes I like to encourage an activity that feels slightly mischievous — like window art. Obviously we've drilled into our son's head that glue and tape are and not for walls or floors, so when I first told him he could decorate the window I could see his brain exploding. But the joy is this at-home snowflake craft is really easy to do and can be cleaned up in seconds.

Holiday Garland

Holiday Garland

When all else fails, a little arts and crafts project can be a fun way to flex that creative muscle. You just need a needle and thread, popcorn, and cranberries, and you can cross "trimming the tree" off your list!