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Your Love Language, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This Is What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Love Language

Your Love Language, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Reading through your monthly horoscope to get the scoop on your love life can be fun, especially if you're a true believer in all things astrological. But what's arguably better is understanding how different planets can play into your cosmic personality, all based on your birth chart. Because in the same way you can use your astrology sign to predict your beige flag or toxic trait, you can also use your astrology sign to predict your love language, too.

As dictated in the book "The Five Love Languages" by counselor Gary Chapman, PhD, the love languages describe the way you prefer to receive love — how you interpret actions or words as signs of affection. The five love languages are: acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation. Most people appreciate all of these things, to a certain degree, but connect with one or two of the love languages more so than the others. (And, FYI, no love language is "better" or "worse" than the others.)

Knowing your love language (and your partner's!) can be majorly helpful in a relationship, since you'll be better able to communicate about how you recognize and receive love, as well as better understand what they want in return. So what do the stars say about your preferred gesture of love? Keep reading to learn which love language your zodiac sign speaks.

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